SIN82: Rasa Halal

Gabriel Ooi Wei Sheng IPK COLLEGE

MSC2024 | Startup Innovation

CR: 0.0522 | 6 Likes | 115 Views | 99 times | LS: 105.3
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'Rasa Halal' restaurant directory makes it super easy to find exactly what you're looking for. Instead of just showing restaurant names like Google does, our directory helps you find the food you want to eat. 'Rasa Halal' will be focused on Food and Beverage (F&B), uncovering hidden gems, content about establishments (UGC, Menu etc), and broad catalog. The Unique Value Proposition is to help businesses shine by crafting their own content, putting a spotlight on hidden gems, all delivered through a user-friendly and modern website and application. Our business idea aims to solve the following problems: 1. Due to limited information accessibility, Muslims often struggle to find reliable halal restaurants and food options. The lack of a centralized, verified platform leads to difficulty in making informed dining choices. 2. Existing food directories might offer some Halal filtering options, but the information might be inconsistent or outdated, causing confusion and inconvenience for users seeking truly Halal establishments. 3. For consumers, Muslim consumers often face difficulty finding and connecting with halal establishments due to limited information and a lack of centralized resources. 4. For businessses, many halal businesses struggle to reach their target audience and build a strong online presence due to limited marketing resources and awareness.